
We’re delighted you’re here.

We are passionate about the power of wellness coaching to help people live their best lives.

Health is more than the absence of disease. Wellness coaches can help people learn holistic techniques and gain insights into barriers and how to overcome them.

Start your wellness journey now

Coaches can help you make lifestyle changes that can lead to a healthier, happier life.

We believe it is important to make wellness coaching available to people across a diversity of communities.

We believe in health justice.

A lack of funds should not be a barrier to being able to work with a wellness coach.

We also believe that traditional medicine does not do enough to support people in recovery from addiction. Neither do our social programs.

Wellness coaching can fill the gap.

Our mission is to offer health and wellness coaching to the underprivileged, with the goal of helping more people lead healthier lives.

  • Our certified coaches provide guided programs unique to their specialties, with a solid understanding of how to work with people who are in recovery from addiction
  • Our clients are invited to find a coach and take the first steps toward creating a life of greater wellbeing
  • Our donors are passionate about making all this possible

Long-term recovery through holistic wellness

Our focus on addictions reflects the current state of the world where addictive behavior is rampant and people need help now.

Start your wellness journey now

Becoming free from addictions can lead to some of the most profound and transformative changes a person can experience.

But learning how to live one’s best life does not come automatically.

Our expert wellness coaches can help you build a strong foundation to support your holistic recovery.

You pay nothing

Donations welcome

Addictions result from a need to fill a void or avoid feeling emotions. The pandemic has exposed these vulnerabilities for many people.

Coping with the isolation of lockdowns, the grief of losing a loved one, losing a job, or having to work in a stressful environment… these factors and more can exacerbate existing addictions, threaten recovery, and unleash a slew of new addictions.

Our compassionate coaches at Teacup Wellness support recovery from a variety of addictive behaviors that interfere with wellness and happiness.

  • alcohol abuse
  • tobacco dependency
  • drug abuse
  • compulsive gambling
  • eating disorders
  • excessive social media
  • and more…

Living your best life

We help you plan your wellness journey so you can focus on what will bring you the most immediate results and lead to lasting change.

Work with a coach who specializes in an area of wellness that addresses your concerns and inspires your confidence.

If you aren’t sure what kind of coach would be best for your needs, we can help you decide.

Our coaches can help you craft a custom wellness journey that is uniquely yours.

Working with a coach can help you learn…

  • What to eat to support your recovery
  • How to avoid switching one addiction for another
  • What kind of exercise is right for you
  • How meditation and journaling can build resilience
  • Where to find affordable healthy food in your neighborhood
  • How to prepare healthy meals on a budget
  • What to expect during your journey of recovery
  • How to reduce your likelihood of relapse
  • What to do when total abstinence is not an option
  • How to be present in your life and for your loved ones
  • Ways to unleash your creativity and discover your purpose
  • How to find the courage to change the things you can

Wellness coaching supports recovery

We focus on helping people in recovery from addiction, as well as those who are deeply affected by another’s addiction.

We are inspired by thinkers such as Johann Hari, who concludes that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is human connection.

Start your wellness journey now

When you start working with one of our coaches, you will also receive an invitation to join our small community chat rooms on Teacup’s secure Slack space.

Our communities provide a welcoming place to connect with people who are on a similar journey of discovering wellness while recovering from addictions of all kinds.

Connect with people who care.

Team up with others who share your challenges.

Build lasting friendships.

Discover your wellness potential.

We strongly encourage our clients to be part of a separate recovery program — if applicable — and to view our wellness coaching services as a way to support ongoing recovery.*

Get started today

  • Find a coach to work with
  • Submit your request to Teacup Wellness
  • Schedule your 15-min welcome chat

That’s all there is to it. There is no cost to you.

Take the first step now.

Our coaches

We believe that wellness coaching can be key to transformational change, and we want to help more coaches help even more people improve their wellbeing. 

Teacup Wellness is building a community of coaches who share our values and who want to provide coaching services to people who are ready for change but may not be able to afford it.

Our coaches are selected for their compassion and knowledge, and we also screen each practitioner for proper credentials and qualifications as part of our certification program

Many of our coaches were attracted to their wellness specialties after struggling for years with the same things you may need help with. You can get help from people who’ve been there.

We listen, we understand, and we care.

Meet our coaches • Request a coach • Donate

We collect donations to compensate our coaches for time spent coaching our clients.

Many of our coaches are also able to volunteer some of their coaching time so that our funding can go further.

If you would like to support our mission, please visit our easy donation signup tool.

Why We Need to Stop Talking About Weight Loss &

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5 Tips To Get Started On Your Wellness Journey

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Driving Thought: What’s for Dinner!?

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The Story of Teacup Wellness

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Meet Our New Coaches

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Teacup Now Has Official Nonprofit Status

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Start your wellness journey now

* Teacup Wellness Nonprofit LLC does not provide professional therapy or medical care. Our coaches are qualified to provide a supportive framework within which our clients can attain desired holistic wellness. Clients are encouraged to consult with their medical providers when embarking upon a new wellness journey. By using this site and engaging with our coaches, you are accepting our Terms of Use.

Our deep appreciation goes to Tom Rzonca for permission to use his beautiful nature shots. See Tom’s work at Prints With Purpose. A special thank you to Cassidy Mitchell for her awesome artwork. Cassidy is a talented virtual assistant who is busy growing her VA business and getting stuff done.