Tea is an ancient drink that is known for its healing and calming properties.

Tea can be enjoyed alone or with others, brewed in a cup or in a pot. Tea bags, loose leaf, blooms, and even k-cups – we have so many options and opportunities to enjoy this ancient healing drink.
Tea can be enjoyed hot, cold, or room temperature. It can be served plain or with lemon and other embellishments.
Tea has many magical properties, including…
- Contains antioxidants
- May reduce risk of heart attack and stroke
- May encourage weight loss
- May help protect bones
- May help with diabetes
- May lower cholesterol
- Can help with mental alertness
- Can boost immunity
- May reduce inflammation
Learn more about the health benefits of tea at WebMD.
Curious how Teacup Wellness got its name? Read our story.

Working to fill everyone’s cup.