Our amazing coaches have expert training in a broad array of specialties.
Each coach uses their wellness training and expertise to craft successful programs which are customized as needed to meet the needs of each client.
Get started now or learn more about how it works.
We are just getting started, so you may not find every speciality represented in our coach directory yet, but we know that whomever you end up working with, your experience will be delightful.
- Acupuncturists
- Addiction Recovery Experts
- Animal Wellness Coaches
- Aromatherapists
- Autoimmune Disease Experts
- Ayurvedic Practitioners
- Behavior Change Coaches
- Breathwork Coaches
- Caregiver Coaches
- Chinese / Oriental Medicine Practitioners
- Chiropractors
- Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Corporate Wellness Professionals
- Diabetes Prevention & Mitigation Coaches
- Dieticians / Registered Dietitians
- Disability Advocate & SSDI Representatives
- Elder Care Coaches
- End-of-Life Doulas
- Energy Healers
- Executive / Entrepreneur Coaches
- Family & Parenthood Coaches
- Financial Wellness Coaches
- Fitness Professionals
- Functional Medicine Practitioners
- Health & Wellness Coaches
- Herbalists
- Holistic Health Practitioners
- Homeopathists
- Lactation Consultants
- Licensed Nurse Practitioners
- Life Coaches
- Massage Therapists
- Meditation & Mindfulness Facilitators
- MELT Method Coaches
- Mental Wellness Coaches
- Mind Body Wellness Practitioners
- Motherhood Coaches
- Naturopaths
- Nutritionists
- Occupational Therapists
- Personal Trainers
- Physical Therapy Coaches
- Pilates Coaches
- Qi Gong Coaches
- Registered Nurses
- Reiki Healers
- Relationship Coaches
- Smoking Cessation Coaches
- Social Workers
- Sound Energy Practitioners
- Spirituality Coaches
- Stress Management Coaches
- Task Support Coaches
- Trauma & Resilience Coaches
- Veteran Wellness Coaches
- Weight Loss Coaches
- Yoga Instructors
and more…
Every Teacup coach goes through our targeted certification process after being accepted to join our team. This certification includes studying our addiction recovery support resources to gain a deeper understanding of how best to support people in recovery from an array of addictions.
We want to help you make measurable advancements toward meeting your wellness goals. Get started today.

Working to fill everyone’s cup.
Please drop us a line