Please send any remaining documents to
The complete list of steps is below in case you need it.
If you would like to take the next step while awaiting your interview, you are invited to register to create your Teacup Profile.
Your profile will be reviewed and we will ensure all other onboarding steps have been completed before we publish it live.
Please be aware that we may need to place new profiles on hold until we have client demand and funding to align with our coaches’ work capacity.
If this happens to you, we promise to keep you updated about your status and check in again before going live in case anything has changed for you.
Having a reserve of coaches who are already onboarded and ready to go gives us a powerful ability to quickly flex to meet growing demand.
If you have any questions please reach out to us.
Your Happy Teacup Team

Working to fill everyone’s cup.
Steps for certification & onboarding
Submit your Teacup application
- Apply and interview
- Email required documents
- Proof of qualifications
- License, if required
- Proof of insurance (not required until you schedule sessions with your first Teacup client)
Complete certification & onboarding
- Complete Certification and Onboarding form
- Agree to Terms, Ethics, HIPAA, etc
- Review Addictions Resources
- Submit Coach Contract with Teacup
- Provide an email where we can send our secure Quicken invite to complete your W9
- Set up with Zelle so Teacup can pay you
Complete your Teacup profile
- Register to create Teacup profile
- Add your profile photo and optional background image
- Share info about yourself and your programs