Board Meeting Minutes – June 19, 2021

Our first official board meeting was held on Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 2:30 pm central.

An invitation was posted via Teacup’s #board-of-directors Slack channel on June 10th for our current directors and new nominees to attend our inaugural board meeting.

In attendance were the following Teacup board volunteers.

  • Anne Mitchell • President
  • Roxie Speer • Vice President
  • Kristen Mercurio • Secretary & Assistant Vice President
  • Maureen Katoll • Treasurer & Assistant Secretary
  • Cassidy Mitchell • Fundraising Director
  • Melissa Kulha • Assistant Vice President
  • Daveda James • Assistant Treasurer & Assistant Fundraising Director
  • Leslie Shull • Assistant Fundraising Director

Welcome to our newly elected board members!

View video of our June 21st board meeting


1. Introductions

We introduced ourselves and then Anne walked the attendees through the agenda.

2. Quorum

A quorum was declared based on the presence of the above-named Teacup board members and nominees.

3. Revise/approve previous minutes

No changes were suggested – see minutes from May 5-6 2021 pre-board meeting where we assembled to preliminarily adopt our Bylaws and our Conflict of Interest Policy in preparation for submission to LegalZoom for our 501c3 application.

Update from our May 2021 pre-board meeting

LegalZoom cancelled our order after realizing our application had to be done by paper per IRS/LegalZoom contractual agreement, and that process is on hold due to COVID. Instead, we will submit our 501c3 application directly to the IRS within the next few weeks.

4. Election of chairperson and secretary for the meeting

Anne volunteered to serve as chairperson and secretary for the June 19, 2021 board meeting.

5. Review board nominee commitments

We reviewed the commitments required of our new nominees based upon information shared on Teacup’s site: Board of Directors Nominations.

6. Align on roles

We reviewed the roles that our nominees volunteered for, and discussed priorities and needs. We then immediately segued into the election process.

7. Election of Board of Directors & Officers

Anne and Roxie officially nominated and approved the election of each of our new board members, per the above list.

We are excited to formally declare that we now have a complete board that consists of a wonderful blend of coaches with disparate backgrounds and talents to help advance Teacup’s mission.

8. Reports

Anne reviewed our current financial status based on the summary below. A more comprehensive financial statement will be released asap in June since Anne had trouble with Quicken when trying to generate a proper financial statement.

9. Adoption of documents/plans

Our newly-established board formally adopted our Bylaws and our Conflict of Interest Policy, recognizing that amendments may be submitted in future.

10. Schedule quarterly meetings

We agreed to collaborate on Teacup’s Slack space to work on our respective and mutual tasks, and to coordinate our next quarterly meeting for mid-September, 2021.

11. Adjourn

After completing our agenda and taking a moment to celebrate each other, we agreed to adjourn.